Sunday Golf Tournaments

Aldergrove Legion #265. Fraser Glen, Abbotsford, 9 am. $60 each. Sign-up sheets will be in the Lounge. Call us at 604-856-5423 to register at least one week before play. Fees include green fees, beverage & food back at the Branch. Members & Guests are welcome!

Campbell Valley Wine Run

5 km run/walk, 11km, 15km There will be entertainment, a free barbeque, goodies, and of course, wine! Prizes for best costumes. 9 am-2 pm. Register Eventbrite. High Point Equestrian Center, 658 200 Street.

Langley BC Rivers Day Festival

Derek Doubleday Arboretum, 21200 Blk Fraser Hwy. 11 am-3 pm. Free Family event! Celebrate our natural environment.

Langley Municipal Retirees Association Meeting

Douglas Recreation Center- 20550 Douglas Crescent, 1:30 pm-3:30 pm. A short business meeting will be followed by a presentation by Leanne Cassap, Road Safety & Community, ICBC- Road Safety (especially Distracted driving and Walking). All meetings are free with coffee and cookies provided. Guests are welcome to attend. [email protected]

Meeting of the Willoughby Residents Association

20097 72nd Ave (Shepherd of the Valley Church), 7 pm.  If you live or work in Willoughby (Langley, BC) or are concerned about the Willoughby area, come have your say in your community and hear what we’ve been up to.  Help us develop a solid voice and meet your neighbours.