Browse category by Animals

Indoor Or Outdoor Boarding for Your Horses?

Indoor Or Outdoor Boarding for Your Horses?

We researched what veterinarians and experienced horse owners had to say about how to create a healthy environment for horses. Should you go with indoor or outdoor boarding for your horses? Outdoor Boarding Veterinarians have suggested that horses housed in heated barns were less healthy than those kept outside. There are great benefits to a horse’s health and disposition when they are being boarded in a stable where they are mostly outdoors, and brought in to
Mooo-ving in a New Direction?

Mooo-ving in a New Direction?

With the high cost of food, and having to deal with questionable quality; many of us are aspiring to be more self-sufficient. Mooo-ving in a new direction…there is a backyard livestock boom being spurred on by a desire for healthy, affordable food. With a bit of excess land and a little bit of knowledge, you could convert your backyard into a barnyard. Right? The good and the bad news is; your animals will always be right
Wildlife on Your Farm

Wildlife on Your Farm

It is widely known that wildlife on your farm can damage agricultural crops and harm livestock. Wildlife ruins pastures, infrastructure and equipment. Wildlife also spread diseases and insects. There are several methods used to reduce the impact of wildlife on agricultural enterprises. These include: fencing, repellents, scare tactics, habitat modification, netting and trapping. Fencing First of all, woven wire fencing and electric fencing are the two most common fence designs. They are both effective in preventing
Caring for Livestock in Winter

Caring for Livestock in Winter

Baby it’s cold outside–away from the warm, wood-stove.  We are preparing our animals and their dwelling  for long, cold, winter days and nights and the increased physical stress it will cause them. Unfortunately,  just because  it’s winter, doesn’t mean we get to relax and have little responsibility for our livestock’s care. We have come up with a few basic tips in an attempt to assist  in the process. Ventilation Animals in a closed barn environment during
Deer, Oh Dear

Deer, Oh Dear

Deer are often seen in the lower mainland and are an integral part of the eco system.  They are sometimes seen in a rural backyards and grazing in the local fields or parks. Deer are beautiful to look at but can be pests in the garden. Their increased numbers have become a nuisance for homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts. Everyone loves to gaze upon a beautiful Doe and her fawn or a Buck looking out over his
Raising Turkeys For Meat and Profit

Raising Turkeys For Meat and Profit

Most families in Canada will buy a turkey once or twice a year, often for their Thanksgiving and/or Christmas dinners. There really isn’t a whole lot of difference between raising chickens and raising turkeys, but turkeys are one of the very best animals to raise for meat and profit. Turkeys will require more attention and babying than their chicken counterpart. They are more social than chickens and want lots of attention from their humans. To Buy